
- JavaDocs
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The DB Connection Pooling framework provides connection pooling for the JDBC API. A plethora of options and settings allow the developer to control how the pooling works. Automatic reconnection code is one of the built in features of this flexible framework.

Some of the advantages of this pooling api include:

  • Automatic reconnect code when a connection dies, including re-execution of the query that was attempted.
  • Control over the maximum size of the pool and the preferred size of the pool.
  • Logging of all database access statements to the JDBC DriverManager's LogWriter.
  • Waiting for connection to be available when maximum number of connections is reached.

The api is free for use and is comparable to other JDBC Database Connection Pooling apis on the market.

The pooled connections that are returned by the DB Connection Pooling product implement the java.sql.Connection interface, so they can be used in any existing application that uses JDBC Connection objects with minimal code modification.

To start using the DB Connection Pooling framework in an existing application, just change your code from:

Driver jdbcDriverInstance = ( Driver ) Class.forName( aDriver ).newInstance();
DriverManager.registerDriver( jdbcDriverInstance );
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( aURL, aUserID, aPassword );
// do something connection.close();

to code that looks like:

DBConnectionPoolManager.initializeDriver( aDriver );
DBConnectionPool pool = DBConnectionPoolManager.getInstance().getPool( aURL,
aUserID );
pool.setPassword( aPassword );
Connection connection = pool.getDBConnection();
// do something connection.close();

Look at the examples, the JavaDocs, and the User's Guide to see the abilities of these classes.


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