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The ESW project is dedicated to creating frameworks that make building enterprise software easier and faster.

We believe that building robust, highly available, fault-tolerant, 24x7, and supportable enterprise software is hard. Really hard. Tools or frameworks that can ease the development time and costs are important and necessary to a successful enterprise software project.

However, frameworks that are too complex and are difficult to understand and to use, could cost time and money. The ESW project has created frameworks that are easy to understand and use, and quite flexible. We believe that industry standard design patterns and methodologies, along with extensive User's Guides, code "cookbooks", thorough JavaDocs, and extensive examples ensure that your developers are programming to the framework as soon as possible. (Take a good look at those JavaDocs, and you'll see that we put great care into crafting documentation that enable developers to get the most out of the framework with a minimal amount of time.) We also believe that our framework will be simpler to use, without sacrificing flexibility that is required for enterprise software, then other framework vendors.

The ESW project's developers are veterans of the enterprise software industry, all of them having worked in technology leadership roles in Fortune 500 IT organizations. All the developers have also held leadership positions in retail software companies. All of the ESW project's developers recognized a gap in the industry independently, and have formed this project to respond to that need.


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